During Parliament Week, every class in KS1 and KS2 elects a representative to serve as their Rights Respecting School Council Champion on the Rights Respecting School Council, for the following year. The champions run weekly class council sessions during their in-class assembly time on a Wednesday and also meet weekly altogether on a Thursday with the Rights Respecting School Lead.
The champions are elected to be promoters of pupil voice; their job is to help ensure that Brampton is a safe and happy place for all to learn in. They are also champions of rights and they ensure that the rights are promoted and discussed in their classes. Brampton Primary School’s Rights Respecting School Council is an example of the Fundamental British Value of Democracy in action and of our school’s commitment to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, Article 12 of which states: Every child has the right to express their views, feelings and wishes in all matters affecting them, and to have their views considered and taken seriously.
What kind of person makes a good school council member?
- Approachable and a good listener – everyone in the class has to feel comfortable talking to the champion from their class.
- Organised – it will be the champions’ responsibility to make sure the class council takes place in
their class each week; to be responsible for the RRSSC folder and for reminding the teacher to complete their WoW (Walk on Wednesday) posters. - Reliable and a team player– champions are expected to consistently attend weekly meetings, meaning that they have to be willing to miss one playtime a week as part of their commitment. They need to be able to get on with a range of other people from across the school.
- Assertive – the opinions of the class are important and need to be shared with the management of the school, with the Chair of Governors and other outside agencies (e.g. school meals service), so the champion needs to be confident that they will be able to get their point of view across and be able to follow up any action points agreed.
- Efficient – class discussions must cover a lot of issues in a short space of time so champions need to be confident that they can ensure that they can keep their class on track during discussions. Fair, trustworthy and honest – everyone has the right to express a point of view and it is important that the views of everyone is expressed, not just the views of the champion or just their friends.
- Good communicator and role model – champions need to be able to work with staff and pupils from across the school so it is important that they have good manners, are articulate and showin their attitude that they want to help.
What are the champion’s responsibilities?
- Highlighting issues on behalf of pupils.
- Seeking solutions to issues raised.
- Collecting evidence of pupil voice regarding questions raised by both pupils and teachers and relating to school priorities.
- Promoting special events and causes (for example, Walking on Wednesday).
- Overseeing the school’s charitable and fundraising work.
Charity Work
At the end of the first half of the autumn term, the Rights Respecting School Council Champions encouraged everyone to bring in a tin or packet of food to support the Harvest Appeal.
This promoted Article 27: Children have the right to a good enough standard of living. This means they should have food, clothes and a place to live.
Anti-Bullying Week
The week beginning 14 th November was anti-bullying week. We started the week with Odd Socks Day, talking about the impact of being kind in our assembly time and finishing the week off by raising money for Children in Need. We ensured that all pupils could define bullying: bullying is hurtful, purposeful and repeated and a bullying survey was carried out. Mr Wedgbury, the behaviour lead followed up with any children who said they had been bullied.
Newham’s KS1 School Council Conference
On Monday 12 th June 2023, KS1 school council representatives from across the borough attended a School Council Conference at Stratford Youth Zone, meeting up with other pupils from across the borough. At the event, they explored:
1. What makes an effective school council and councillor?
2. Expressing your views.
3. Learning how to speak up!
In 2023/2024, Brampton’s Rights respecting School Council Champions will continue to support a range of charities and special causes.