Curriculum Statement
Building Personal Success for all children is our core intention, and at the centre of everything we do. We are driven by the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, specifically articles 3 and 29, and ensure they are always at the forefront of our thinking.
To further achieve our aim, we are in the process of continually reviewing and improving the curriculum. Through building on the strong foundations already embedded, and taking account of developments in pedagogy, technology, and society, we are determining the most effective means to prepare children for life in an ever-changing Britain.
Using the national curriculum to underpin how subjects are sequenced, planned, and assessed, we ensure new knowledge and skills build upon prior learning, leading towards clearly defined outcomes. Through Brampton’s bespoke curriculum, we exploit all opportunities to educate our children on how to keep safe, understand their rights and develop strong senses of identity and community.
Please click on the links below to view the policy of your choice. They will open in a new window and you will need Adobe PDF reader that can be downloaded from Adobe website.
Curriculum Overviews
Autumn Term 1 |
Autumn Term 2 |
Spring Term 1 Year 1
Spring Term 2 |
Summer Term 1 |
Summer Term 2 |
Please click on the tabs to view a subject of your choice.
Art and Design
Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)
Giving children opportunities to be imaginative, explore different materials and develop their ideas is an important part of the Early Years Foundation Stage, mainly within the ‘expressive art and design’ area of learning. Children are encouraged to practise their handling, moving and control skills (for example, by painting or using clay). Materials should be accessible for children to develop and explore their ideas and to be imaginative.
Key stage 1 (Years 1 and 2)
The content of Art and Design teaching and learning is set out in the 2014 National Curriculum for primary schools in England. Pupils should be given opportunities to use a range of materials creatively to design and make products through drawing, painting and sculpture. They explore different techniques in using colour, pattern, texture, line, shape, form and space.
Another important aspect of the art and design curriculum is learning about the work of a range of artists (such as Van Gogh and John Piper), craft makers and designers, describing the differences and similarities between different practices and disciplines, and making links to their own work.
Key stage 2 (Years 3 to 6)
The content of the Art and Design curriculum in Key Stage 2 builds on what children have learned in Key Stage 1. Children should develop and improve their skills in drawing, painting, printing and sculpture using a range of different materials. They are expected to create sketch books to record their learning and to use them to review and revisit ideas. They continue to learn about great artists, architects and designers in history.
Here at Brampton Primary, we believe that art is a way of looking at the world around us, of asking questions and developing ideas.
At Brampton Primary School, we deliver the computing programme of study through the NCCE – Teach Computing Curriculum scheme of work, which we have adapted to suit the needs of the school. Here, we ensure that the requirements of the National Curriculum for computing are being met.
The National Curriculum for computing aims to ensure that all pupils:
- can understand and apply the fundamental principles and concepts of computer science, including abstraction, logic, algorithms and data representation
- can analyse problems in computational terms, and have repeated practical experience of writing computer programs in order to solve such problems
- can evaluate and apply information technology, including new or unfamiliar technologies, analytically to solve problems
- are responsible, competent, confident and creative users of information and communication technology.
Our scheme of work ensures full coverage of the 3 distinct areas of the computing curriculum: Information Technology, Digital Literacy and Computer Science and it provides the pupils with a clear progression of these skills starting in the Early Years and through to Year 6.
In addition to this, our curriculum ensures Online Safety is embedded throughout and that pupils use technology safely and respectfully, understanding the importance of keeping their personal information private; how to identify where to go for help and support if they have concerns about any content or a contact on the internet or other online technologies.
In recent years, our school has also made a substantial investment in purchasing new hardware such as iPads, laptops and trolleys for each phase to support the study of computing. Pupils have been provided with a username and password, which they can use to log in to the London Grid for Learning (LGFL) both at school and at home. This has begun to raise the profile of computing and it has helped us to engage all of our pupils in the study of the new computing curriculum.
Computing resources
National Centre for Computing Education
Design and Technology
Design and Technology education involves two important elements – learning about the designed and made world and how things work, and learning to design and make functional products for particular purposes and users.
At Brampton, children are encouraged to be critical thinkers and problem solvers who will be able to innovate in this rapidly changing global society. Design and Technology education helps develop children’s skills and knowledge in design and materials.
Design and Technology is often one of a child’s favourite subjects. Children enjoy making decisions for themselves and doing practical work. They love creating products they can see, touch and even taste, for themselves!
How our design and technology curriculum is designed
In Brampton, our Design and Technology curriculum is informed by the National Curriculum and enriched by subject expertise held within Brampton, as well as local opportunities and current events.
DT is taught once every term over one or two weeks. It is a multifaceted subjects that covers a wide range of areas such as food technology, woodwork and textiles. Our Curriculum map is designed in such a way that the children receive a wee rounded education within the subject.
How Children learn in Design and Technology
Brampton designers will:
- Learn explore concepts of engineering by learning about Christopher Wren and building their own 3D landmark
- Learn to plan and cook a range of meals and snacks- including a Viking meal!
- Plan, create and sew their own Roman purses
Design and Technology Policy 2023
At Brampton Primary School we are committed to ensuring all children become fluent, confident readers. The most successful way in which to accomplish this goal is to encourage children to develop a love of reading and, as a school, we place great importance on being a reader. We widen children’s literary knowledge and expose them to a variety of different text types, across the curriculum. The texts are carefully chosen to represent both our diverse community and the wider world. At Brampton Primary School, we demonstrate good reading behaviours when reading aloud, modelling fluency and promoting an enjoyment of literature.
There are a numerous benefits to reading for pleasure.
- Reading for Pleasure has a positive impact on pupil attainment. Children who read for pleasure are more likely to read at or above the expected level for their age (Clark, 2014).
- There is evidence to show that reading for pleasure is a more important determinant of children’s educational success than their family’s socio-economic status (OECD, 2002). Reading for pleasure could therefore be one important way to help combat social exclusion and raise educational standards.
- Children who read for pleasure make significantly more progress in vocabulary, spelling and maths than children who read very little (Sullivan and Brown, 2013).
- Reading for pleasure has many non-literacy benefits and can increase empathy, improve relationships with others, reduce the symptoms of depression and improve well-being throughout life (The Reading Agency, 2015).
- Reading for pleasure has social benefits as well and can make people feel more connected to the wider community. Reading increases a person’s understanding of their own identity, improves empathy and gives them an insight into the world view of others (The Reading Agency, 2015).
Our aim at Brampton Primary School is to teach children to:
- read for pleasure;
- read fluently, accurately and with understanding;
- become independent and critical readers and make informed and appropriate choices;
- select information from a wide range of texts and sources including print, media and ICT and to evaluate those sources;
- apply techniques such as skimming, scanning, and text-marking effectively in order to research and appraise texts.
Reading is a complex process that involves multiple factors including decoding, integrating background experiences, having purposes for reading and using skills and strategies to construct meaning.
The teaching of reading at Brampton Primary School encompasses a balance of teaching strategies taught through the Read Write Inc. programme (RWI), focused whole class reading and English lessons, whole-class reading and designated library time.
The teaching of phonics is an important component of the teaching of reading and, as a result, we plan, teach and regularly assess children though our focused RWI programme. In Nursery our children are introduced to Fred Talk, where teachers begin sounding out targeted words. This encourages children to recognise phonemes and begin to blend. During the year their class teacher will have introduced the picture frieze and begun short phonics sessions of approximately ten minutes. In Reception, children will begin with a twenty-minute lesson of phonics and by the end of the year they will be participating in a 45 minute phonics-based lesson.
Children in Year 1 take part in a 45 minute RWI lesson and in Year 2 children continue the RWI programme until they are ready to move on to whole class reading using Take One Book.
Phonics is also used as an intervention for older children and forms a part of Take One Book lessons, where appropriate.
In addition to RWI, Nursery and Reception class teachers will bring a collection of children’s stories to life by reading them with enthusiasm and passion. Props and various other resources are used to encourage the children to act out the stories in their own way, reinforcing a love of familiar texts. During the early years there is a focus on meaningful print, such as a child’s name, words on a cereal packet or a book title, in order to discuss similarities and differences between symbols. We help children to understand what a word is by using names and labels and by pointing out words in the environment and in books.
These reading experiences will help our children to develop many early reading skills.
From Years 1 to 6 our children are taught the skills of reading through daily, focused whole class reading lessons. Children are taught a range of reading comprehension strategies, including predicting, self-questioning, visualising, monitoring, summarising and evaluating to help them become competent, life-long readers. Good comprehension draws from linguistic knowledge (particularly of vocabulary and grammar) and on knowledge of the world. In whole class reading/Take One Book lessons and other reading experiences pupils develop these skills through high-quality conversations with the teacher and their peers, as well as from reading and discussing a range of stories, poems and non-fiction texts.
At Brampton Primary School we place a great emphasis on reading for pleasure and purpose. Though whole-class and shared reading experiences, teachers introduce children to a range of challenging, engaging and often thought-provoking texts. As a school we have invested significantly in books to improve and develop our library and all children are timetabled to enjoy this exciting space each week. During these sessions our teachers will promote reading for pleasure by: reading a text enthusiastically to their class, teaching good book choices, providing children with opportunities to share their reading experience with their peers and supporting pupils in developing as readers.
The ability to write is fundamental to a child’s development as an independent learner. Teachers at Brampton Primary School use their own, and the children’s, creative ideas to provide opportunities to write within English lessons and across the curriculum. Opportunities to write are planned for with consideration given to real-life contexts and where possible are integrated in other areas of learning.
Successful practice in early writing development depends on giving children opportunities to see that writing has a purpose, and to experiment with making their own marks. Our nursery children are given the opportunity to attribute meaning to various writing in context, and they begin their school writing journey with a Draw-a-Picture book, in which they are given opportunities to mark-make and illustrate ideas, thoughts and loved ones. Early writing is developing from the moment children make their first marks. This is usually called the ’emergent writing’ approach, and the role of the practitioner is to provide:
- the materials for mark-making
- the contexts that make it meaningful
- examples of other people using writing
- careful observation and recognition of what children are doing when they make marks.
From Reception to Y6, our children will complete an independent piece of writing – Big Writing –fortnightly, during which they focus on key writing objectives learnt in the last two weeks. All of their learning in English lessons culminates in a final, fantastic piece of work, which shows their progress over time and give the children an opportunity to showcase Writing has a well-developed profile in our school through Big Writing and this has also helped to improve children’s attitudes to writing.
Effective composition involves articulating and communicating ideas, and then organising them coherently for a reader. This requires clarity, awareness of the audience, purpose and context, and an increasingly wide knowledge of vocabulary and grammar. This is a key focus for teachers and children in the lead up to their Big Writing lesson each week.
At Brampton we recognise that correct spelling, punctuation and grammar are needed to make the meaning of children’s writing clear, and well-chosen, ambitious vocabulary will ensure that children are able to express their ideas effectively and can engage the interest of the reader. Our teachers teach grammar, punctuation and spelling in creative and meaningful ways during their English lessons. At Brampton Primary School we aim to contextualise the teaching of grammar. This is characterised by high levels of discussion between children and adults and children about language choices, effects and experimentation, encouraging decision-making in their own writing.
In addition to this, pupils in Y2 to Y6 also have RWI Spelling lessons to continue to build on their RWI Phonics knowledge.
Although the teaching of phoneme-grapheme correspondence underpins this programme, it also develops children’s knowledge of word families, how suffixes impact upon root words, and provides mnemonics to remember the trickiest spellings.
The teaching revolves around instruction (with the help of online alien characters), partner and group practice, and competitive group challenges that help children commit new words to memory that go beyond simply knowing terms and categories, towards encouraging pupils to enjoy playing with grammar and language.
Writing down ideas fluently depends on:
- Effective transcription which involves spelling quickly and accurately.
- Handwriting which should become joined, legible and speedy.
As a result these important areas are taught during the week to support the children’s writing development.
English Curriculum overview – Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 | Year 4| Year 5| Year 6|
End of KS Descriptors for Writing
Book Reviews
Peer Recommendations | Staff Recommendations |
coming soon …. | coming soon …. |
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6
At Brampton, we believe that a high-quality geography education should inspire in pupils a curiosity and fascination about the world and its people that will remain with them for the rest of their lives.
Teaching should equip pupils with knowledge about diverse places, people, resources and natural and human environments, together with a deep understanding of the Earth’s key physical and human processes.
As pupils progress, their growing knowledge about the world should help them to deepen their understanding of the interaction between physical and human processes, and of the formation and use of landscapes and environments. Geographical knowledge, understanding and skills provide the frameworks and approaches that explain how the Earth’s features at different scales are shaped, interconnected and change over time.
At Brampton, we follow the national curriculum for geography, which aims to ensure that all pupils:
- develop contextual knowledge of the location of globally significant places – both terrestrial and marine – including their defining physical and human characteristics and how these provide a geographical context for understanding the actions of processes
- understand the processes that give rise to key physical and human geographical features of the world, how these are interdependent and how they bring about spatial variation and change over time
- are competent in the geographical skills needed to:
– collect, analyse and communicate with a range of data gathered through experiences of fieldwork that deepen their understanding of geographical processes
– interpret a range of sources of geographical information, including maps, diagrams, globes, aerial photographs and Geographical Information Systems (GIS)
– communicate geographical information in a variety of ways, including through maps, numerical and quantitative skills and writing at length.
Key stage 1
Pupils should develop knowledge about the world, the United Kingdom and their locality. They should understand basic subject-specific vocabulary relating to human and physical geography and begin to use geographical skills, including first-hand observation, to enhance their locational awareness.
Key stage 2
Pupils should extend their knowledge and understanding beyond the local area to include the United Kingdom and Europe, North and South America. This will include the location and characteristics of a range of the world’s most significant human and physical features. They should develop their use of geographical knowledge, understanding and skills to enhance their locational and place knowledge.
At Brampton, geography is delivered through the wider curriculum where each half term, a different theme is used to engage the children in developing their knowledge, skills and understanding in each of the foundation subjects.
3 JC KS1 NC Geography progression
Our History curriculum is designed to instil all of our children with a love of History. We aim to deliver high-quality History lessons which inspire and stimulate our children’s interest and support them in their understanding of the past. We have developed a personalised curriculum which meets the needs of our community, whilst still fulfilling the requirements of the National Curriculum for History. At Brampton, the personalisation of our History curriculum is essential as it helps our pupils to develop a sense of identity and a cultural understanding based on their historical heritage. Thus, they learn to value their own and other people’s cultures in modern multicultural Britain. By considering how people lived in the past, they are better able to make their own life choices today.
All of the children’s learning in history is focussed around the following key concepts:
- Continuity and Change
- Cause, Consequence and Motivation
- Similarities, Difference and Significance
- Interpretation of history
- Chronological Understanding
Each unit of work that we study provides a valuable opportunity for children to be explicitly taught these abstract terms within a context that makes sense to them. This helps our pupils to build a secure and deep understanding of the concepts that are fundamental to being an effective historian.
Progression Maps Year 1 to 6
Every child in Key stage 1 and Key stage 2 has one hour of music each week. These take place in a fully equipped dedicated music room. Nursey and Reception have an enclosed music area in the garden which is well stocked with instruments to play.
Music is integrated into the day to day life of the class. In addition to activities which take place indoors, the children are free to visit the outdoor music area, where members of staff will be on hand to create music with the children. The music teacher visits the music area twice a week to lead singing sessions.
Key Stage 1
The Year 1 and Year 2 classes have a weekly lesson with the music teacher. During these sessions they learn and sing a wide range of songs from different genres, often accompanied by percussion instruments. They are introduced to well-known works by great composers, including Carnival of the Animals (Saint Saens), Peter and the Wolf (Prokofiev) and The Nutcracker (Tchaikovsky). They have opportunities to compose their own music with other children, using a wide range of instruments. They learn about rhythm, pitch and dynamics through practical activities, and practise their drama skills through using their bodies to interpret music.
In Year 2 the children begin to learn the recorder, where they begin to read music.
Key Stage 2
The children build on what they learnt in Key Stage 1. They learn about the lives and works of great composers through the Composer of the Month. The composers chosen are diverse, including female composers, contemporary composers and composers and musicians from diverse backgrounds, in addition to those from the baroque, classical and romantic periods.
In singing they develop a wide repertoire through studying units on folk music, classic pop, contemporary pop, protest songs, motown and blues. They watch great singers and musicians from the past and from today performing their music.
The children have opportunities to compose music which reflects the topic being studied in small groups, using the wide-range of instruments at their disposal.
Year 3 learn the ukulele, and this taken up again in Year 5. Year 4 take up the recorder again, and year 6 learn the guitar.
The children participate in phase singing assemblies, where they have the chance to sing the songs they have been learning in a large group. At the wider curriculum assemblies they have the opportunity to sing as a class to an audience or play instruments.
After School Clubs
There is a Key Stage 1 Choir, Junior Choir and Senior Choir. These choirs perform in public throughout the year, including Young Voices at the O2 and carol singing in the local community. There is also a Musical Drama club for Key stage 1 children and Ukulele clubs for Year 3 and Year 4. Junior and Senior Recorder Clubs meet at lunchtimes.
Physical Education
PSHE & Citizenship
PSHE Jigsaw
At Brampton Primary School, we understand that the skills and knowledge developed through PSHE and Citizenship are vital in preparing children for life in 21st Century Britain.
We have chosen to follow the Jigsaw scheme of work but have made adaptations to ensure that the curriculum is best suited to the needs of children at our school. We have adapted the Jigsaw scheme of work following borough wide consultations with parents, pupils, religious leaders and other school leaders via the RSHE Partnership in Newham as well as through our own parental consultations. This has supported us to build trust with our parent and carer community as well as ensuring that our curriculum is both culturally sensitive and age-appropriate.
We aim to represent the wonderfully diverse community that we serve and provide children with opportunities to think and create their own beliefs from a wide range of sources and topics which enable them to build empathy towards people who are different from themselves.
Children at Brampton learn how to become upstanding citizens through the Jigsaw scheme. They also develop the soft skills that they will need throughout their lives. Our curriculum gives children the opportunities to develop their own thoughts and opinions as well as having respectful debate. Teachers facilitate this learning and support children in developing their own ideas and opinions. Our intent is to provide children with a wide breadth of knowledge through the Open my mind sections of our Jigsaw lessons as well as our PSHE read aloud assemblies.
Jigsaw has provided us with the core structure of our PSHE lessons.
Our curriculum is sequenced as a spiral curriculum so that pupils are provided with multiple opportunities to build on, and develop, their understanding and skills – throughout their time at our school – in a way that is appropriate to their learning at that stage. The goal is for these different elements of learning to feed into each other and result in the children having a knowledge and understanding that, at a minimum, meets the national requirements for children leaving primary school, as well as supporting them in becoming active citizens in their own community. These lessons are taught through 6 half termly puzzle pieces.
The puzzle pieces are: Being Me in My World, Celebrating Difference, Dreams and Goals, Healthy Me, Relationships, and Changing Me.
In Year 1 to Year 6, the children have weekly PSHE lessons, based on the Jigsaw scheme of work, as well as weekly PSHE Read Aloud assemblies. In the PSHE lessons, the children record their reflections from the lesson in their Jigsaw Journals. This provides the children with an opportunity to reflect on the ideas from the session and further build their own opinions and understanding of the world. From Autumn 2 onwards, children are assessed on their learning over the half term by their teacher using descriptors from the Jigsaw curriculum. This data is then fed back to the subject leader for monitoring.
Throughout Reception, teachers select and adapt 3 sessions from the Jigsaw plans, per half term, to introduce the children to the scheme of work. This provides children with the opportunity to participate in circle time discussions, as well as being introduced to mindfulness through the use of Calm Me at the beginning of the lessons. These sessions are planned using the EYFS curriculum descriptors.
In nursery, the children have regular carpet sessions separate from Jigsaw. Carpet sessions, and small group sessions, are planned throughout the year to build the Communication and Language, Personal Social and Emotional, and Understanding the World elements from the EYFS curriculum, depending on the needs of the children. These sessions prepare the children for their PSHE assemblies in Reception.
The school’s PSHE Curriculum Leader oversees the planning, teaching and assessing of children in PSHE, providing ongoing support to teachers. This ensures that children are ready and prepared for their next steps in their education and beyond.
Weekly PSHE Read Aloud sessions, held in assembly time, are recorded by the teacher. These sessions are based on the enquiry method of P4C (Philosophy for Children). Our aim is to use these sessions to support children in their understanding of themes within texts and to develop their philosophy skills through creating a philosophical question. We aim for this to support children’s understanding of different texts and themes as they are given time to discuss and debate their question. Key thoughts from the session are noted down by the teacher and the classes PSHE Read Aloud Record book moves up with the children throughout their time at Brampton Primary School.
We inform parents and carers on the topics and objectives that will be covered in PSHE each half term, both in lessons and in the PSHE Read Aloud sessions (the letters to parents can be found on the school website). Parents and carers are given time to come and talk to members of staff, if they would like more information about the resources being used or the objectives being taught. This has been especially useful when sharing the RSHE part of our curriculum with parents and has meant that we have been able to support parents in understanding the rationale behind the curriculum and bring them on the journey with us.
The result of high quality teaching at Brampton Primary School ensures that children are prepared for life in 21st century Britain and that they are given the skills to thrive in an ever-changing world. With this in mind, we ensure that teachers receive regular training, support and access to relevant news and information that will support their teaching.
We continually reflect, and adapt, our curriculum to ensure that the learning is adapted to the needs of our learners, whilst ensuring that children are provided with a curriculum that at least matches the national curriculum and By the End of Primary descriptors. This has enabled us to build our community with parents and carers where we can work together to provide the best curriculum possible for our children.
Personal, Social and Health Education Curriculum Map
Further information about the PSHE curriculum can be found on the Letters to Parents page of the website. Do ask to speak to the PSHE subject leader, or a senior leader if you have any further questions.
PSHE Assembly Read Aloud Books – Information for Parents and Carers
Reception – PSHE Assembly Read Aloud Books
Year 1 – PSHE Assembly Read Aloud Books
Year 2 – PSHE Assembly Read Aloud Books
Year 3 – PSHE Assembly Read Aloud Books
Year 4 – PSHE Assembly Read Aloud Books
Year 5 – PSHE Assembly Read Aloud Books
Year 6 – PSHE Assembly Read Aloud Books
Religious Education
Religious Education (RE) forms an important part of the curriculum at Brampton Primary, as it allows pupils to develop a broad understanding of the views, beliefs, practices, languages and traditions that influence people in the wider community. In order to develop the pupils’ knowledge and understanding in this area, we facilitate well-structured lessons that encourage them to discuss and consider a range of responses to challenging questions about their own values and ideas on the meaning of life.
At Brampton Primary School, the teaching staff endeavour to allow pupils to reflect upon their beliefs and worldviews and to demonstrate tolerance and respect towards views that differ to their own, in line with British values.
As a Rights Respecting School, pupils feel safe in expressing their religious views as stated in Article 14: Freedom of thought, belief and religion.
As theologians, pupils develop their spiritual, moral, social, and cultural selves.
RE lessons taught at Brampton Primary School are derived from the Newham Agreed Syllabus which is a regularly reviewed document (last updated in 2022), agreed by various educational, religious and political representatives from within the local authority. There are three main elements of R.E, which are:
- Learning about and understanding religions and worldviews.
- Expressing and communicating ideas related to religions and worldviews.
- Gaining and developing the skills needed for studying religion and worldviews.
RE in the EYFS is taught through cross curricular links focusing on three themes: celebrating special times, stories and what they tell us and aspects of identity and relationships.
In Key Stage 1 and 2, RE is taught weekly and, where possible, units are linked to key dates. There is a systematic study of Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism and Sikhi. RE is timetabled for approximately one hour a week in each class. The syllabus provides opportunities to also teach atheist and agnostic points of view.
Year Group | Big Question | Year Group | Big Question |
Year 1 | What does it mean to belong? | Year 4 |
What is important to the people in my local community? |
Year 2 | What can we learn from special stories? | Year 5 |
What impact do beliefs have on actions? |
Year 3 |
How are symbols and sayings important in religion? | Year 6 |
How important are the similarities and differences between and within religions? |
There is a range of resources available to support the teaching and learning of RE at Brampton Primary School. These include physical artefacts, posters, books and videos as well as access to a database of recommended places of worship and faith leaders in the local community who can support teaching and learning.
At Brampton, we prepare children to thrive in the diverse community of Newham and the increasingly interdependent world. Pupils are confident and resilient in their own religious beliefs and identity, whilst demonstrating mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths or worldviews.
Pupils have a sense of enjoyment and fascination in learning about themselves, others and the world around them. Pupils are reflective, offering their own thoughtful and informed insights into religious and secular worldviews. Children from Brampton are prepared to live positive and fulfilling lives, leaving our school able to fully participate in life in modern Britain.
Visit a Place of Worship Competition
Each year, Mrs Claire Clinton, Newham’s RE Advisor organises a competition where children and their classes are encouraged to complete pieces of artwork relating to the place of worship they visited. This allows teachers to assess the impact of the learning and the experiences the children have had visiting a place of worship, or speaking to a visitor, on a broader scale.
Year 1 winning entry to the Visit a Place of Worship art competition – 2022
Science is concerned with developing children’s natural enquiry skills. At Brampton Primary School our children have inherent curiosity therefore our science curriculum enables the children to develop their knowledge and understanding of scientific ideas, processes and skills.
Working scientifically is at the heart of the science curriculum. Children should be taught how to use enquiry skills to navigate through new concepts and activating prior learning in order to get a holistic understand of topics taught. The science at Brampton Primary School should encompass a wide range of cross curricular activities including links with outdoor learning, geography, mathematics, computing and writing.
Principles of science – The Brampton vision
- We need to learn through practical ‘hands on’ investigations as much as we can.
- We need questions to investigate, make us think, understand and progress.
- We need to learn together collaboratively and learn from each other.
- We need the teacher to be enthusiastic and knowledgeable about the topic.
- We need great resources to help us learn.
- We need to learn within familiar contexts we recognise and can relate to.
- Whenever we can, we also need to learn outside the classroom and by having science visitors in school.