During the first full week of the summer holidays, at Brampton we were running extra booster lessons in mathematics and English for selected children to support the catch up programme. The children who were attending have been brilliant. They arrived promptly and participated fully in all of the lessons. The teachers who are leading the sessions in each year group from year 1 to year 5, are impressed by the children’s attitude and are enjoying working with them to help the children improve.
Ms Reay who was teaching the year 2 group, alongside Mr Khan, commented: ‘The children enjoyed learning in small groups and engaged well with the lessons. They benefitted from pre-teaching in maths, using the first week of MathsNoProblem lessons for the year group they will be moving into. With English, in year 2, we took a child led approach. They showed an interest in the Ancient Egyptians and so we chose to plan and write stories and fact files based on this.’
The children enjoyed two breaks to help pace the morning well and during their breaks they enjoyed playing with children in different year groups. Basketball with Mr Khan and Mr Lambert was a real highlight as was racing Ms Khan.