Isle of Wight 2024

48 children from year 6 spent a glorious weekend in the Isle of Wight, accompanied by Ms Reay, Ms Hart, Ms Calver and Mr Patrick. The week was jam-packed with activities ranging from visiting Paultons…

Visit to Madrid 2024

A group of 30 Year 5 children had the unique opportunity to visit Madrid last week. Children attended lessons at the Wisdom School, our partner school in Madrid. They shared lunch time with them in…

Christmas Concert 2022

On the 16 th December more than one hundred children from the three school choirs, Spanish clubs and recorder groups presented the annual Christmas concert in front of an enthusiastic and appreciative audience. The concert…

Bigfoot Arts Education

We were thrilled to welcome Rebecca from Bigfoot Arts Education to Brampton today to visit our Nursery, Reception and Year 1 children. She shared a magical pantomime storytelling experience with them. The show she performed…

Anti-Bullying Week

14th November-18th November 2022 Next week is Anti-Bullying Week and the theme is ‘Reach Out’. Anti-Bullying Week helps schools across England encourage all children, teachers and parents to take action against bullying throughout the year.…